What are 21st
Century Soft Skills?

Future-Proofing Children for Success with 21st Century Skills. Soft skills and leadership training are the new building blocks for learning that modern children need to survive and flourish in an increasingly competitive global landscape. They need to learn to process and synthesize information in context so that they can effectively communicate and collaborate with others and become strong contributors to compete in a rapidly changing social and economic environment.

Soft skills such as creativity, collaboration, and communication skills are super important and are going to be the difference between make or break - Mark Cuban.

Soft skills are a combination of people skills such as social skills, communication skills, interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence that enable us to interact with each other and our environment. 21st-century soft skills encapsulate skills such as leadership, communication, collaboration, and technology literacy. These are the capabilities children need to navigate in life and thrive in school, post-secondary education and beyond. 21st Century skills such as leadership, communication, critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, productivity and technology literacy are intended to help young people keep up with the lightning pace of today’s workplace.

Value of Soft
Skill Development

Our children’s world is evolving at a rapid pace creating a modern economy based on technological advancements and more complex social and work environments.

The careers of tomorrow may not exist today, so it is essential that children be prepared for the future. Today’s young people need to function in tomorrow’s arena which will require a heavier reliance on 21st-century soft skills such as leadership, communication, collaboration, and technology literacy to navigate in life, thrive in school, post-secondary education and beyond.

One of the many challenges modern parents face is staying abreast of current trends to ensure their children are up to date with tomorrow’s skillsets and capabilities. Today's kindergarteners will enter the workforce around 2040 facing a radically different future in just 20 years. Though we cannot predict that future, we realize that education in the 21st century will need to incorporate an essential skill set of soft skills to help manage and address a new set of future possibilities. Over 80% of parents strongly agree that children need to be trained on soft skills and 90% of school teachers state it is not enough for schools to focus exclusively on academics. Most educational school systems are not equipped to teach soft skills to our children.

Future Scope

Industry research emphasises the
importance of soft skills.

Based on Harvard University research, 85% of job success stems from having well-developed soft skills and interpersonal skills. The Future of Work Global Research Study cited. “The most important skills for the future are soft skills.” Employers and recruiters highlight the growing demand for soft skills training. Google researched the key to their top employees’ keys to success. The findings of that research were shocking to many as technical skills came in last place. The rest were all soft skills.

Greater Return on Investment

According to 500 Fortune 500 CEOs (Stanford Research Institute International and Carnegie Mellon). Greater return on investment in soft skills compared to technical training. Higher levels of soft skills predict financial stability and lifetime earnings More than half a million workers will be significantly held back by a lack of soft skills. A LinkedIn survey indicated that communication and teamwork are amongst the topmost sought-after soft skills for employers and university recruiters.

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Achieve better

Developing soft skills in children is a predictor for success in career and life leading to lasting positive outcomes: Achieve better grades Gain acceptance to top university and college programs Pursue highly sought-after careers and professions Crucial to Invest in Soft Skills Training at an Early Age In today’s knowledge economy, it is essential to teach soft skills at an early age. Hard skills and knowledge are no longer enough of a differentiator in a competitive field. Soft skills help young people stand out as they progress faster in their studies and careers.

Hard Skills will get you the interview; Soft Skills will get the job.

Essential skills to develop today and tomorrow are essentially soft skills

- World Economic Forum.

You can improve your value by 50 per cent just by learning public speaking skills

- Billionaire Warren Buffett.